Navon, Daniel. 2023. “Expert Power and the Classification of Human Difference.” Pp. 314–43 in The Oxford Handbook of Expertise and Democratic Politics, edited by G. Eyal and T. Medvetz. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press.
Daniel Navon (2019). ‘Embracing victimhood: How 1967 transformed Holocaust memory and Jewish identity in Israel and the United States’. Pp. 57-84 in Ilan Peleg (ed.)Victimhood Discourse in Contemporary Israel. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books (Rowan and Littlefield).
Daniel Navon (2017). Review of Jennifer S. Singh's 'Multiple Autisms: Spectrums of advocacy and genomic science'. Contemporary Sociology, 46(4): 479-481.
Daniel Navon (2016). Review of Brian Balmer’s ‘Secrecy and Science: A Historical Sociology of Biological and Chemical Warfare’. Contemporary Sociology, 45(3): 282-284.
w/ Gil Eyal et al. (2014). ‘New modes of understanding and acting on human difference in autism research, advocacy and care: Introduction to a Special Issue of BioSocieties’. BioSocieties, 9(3), 233-240.